
MAgik 51 Blue Pigment Synergist

Product Name MAgik 51 Blue Pigment Synergist
CAS Number 42739-64-0

1. Applications

  • Automotive and Industrialpaint (solvent-based)
  • Offsetinks ( reduces Viscosity Oil absorption and Ideal Water balance )
  • Packaging Retort Inks in PU
  • Increases Heat Stability in Plastic masterbatches


MAgik 51 Blue Pigment Synergist is a 100% active pigmentary synergistDispersant agent(Crystalmodifier) used inconjunction with MASPARSH 57000 polymeric dispersant to improve pigmentDispersion and stability in liquid organic media. This additive provides better absorption of dispersing additives on the surface of Phthalocyanine Pigmentsand on Carbon Blacks thus supporting the efficiency of wetting and Dispersing additives, establishing a Stearic hindrance .

In the above applications, the following benefits are achieved:

  • Increased pigment concentration
  • Improved rheological characteristics and increased gloss.
  • Improved pigment stabilization and improved color strength
  • Better Application properties like Thermal stability, Tack etc
  • Reduced mill base viscosity
  • Reduced Flooding Problem

3. Recommendation of Addition stage

MAgik 5 1Blue Pigment Synergist should be added to the polymeric MASPARSH / resin / Solvent mixture and distributed evenly with stirring. Add the pigment in stages, then mill in the normal manner.

4. Recommendation of Dosage

The amount of MAgik 51Blue Pigment Synergist required is related to the particular pigment being dispersed; and is quoted as a ratio of polymeric / synergist.
Used in ratios of 1:2, 1:4 or 1:9 (MAgik51: Polymeric MASPARSH) Ask literature for further information.

5. Physical/ Chemical properties

    Appearance/odor bluepowder/None
    Melting point (°C) >300
    Density(g/cmi) 1.34
    Moisture content <2
    Non-Volatile matter 100

6. Packaging and storage

MAgik51 Blue Pigment Synergist is packed in 15 Kg & 25 Kg paper bags. Shelf life:5years. For storage, Please refer to the MSDS.

7. Regulatory status

For detailed information, please refer to the MSDS.

8. Industrial References Known in Synergists

Tilosperse 5007, Tilosperse 5006, Tilosperse 5002, BYK-SYNERGIST 2105, EFKA MI 6745, Synergist DA-22K, BYK-SYNERGIST 2100, BYK-SYNERGIST 2102, Afcona 6745 dispersant, Synergist, Afcona 6755 dispersant Synergist, Lubrizol Solsperse 5000, LubrizolSolsperse12000, Lubrizol Solsperse 22000, Violet dispersant synergist , Blue Synergist Dispersant , Yellow Dispersant synergist, Magenta Red Pigment synergist ,Orange Pigment dispersion synergist

Note: : Information given in this technical data sheet is based on current knowledge and our laboratory evaluation; it is presented as per our opinion without any guarantee. Buyers must carry out their own tests and experiments to determine the suitability and completeness of our products for their use and application.

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